

  • Usecase(用例):每个用例是一个完整的攻击方案,在命令行指定 usecase 名称执行对应流程

    自定义 usecase 需要继承 UseCase 类,实现两个抽象方法:run 方法是执行入口,get_name 方法获取其名称

  • Agent:借助 LLM 能力实现的智能体,由 usecase 编排调用,即一个 usecase 包含一个或多个 agents

    自定义 agent 需要继承 Agent 类,实现抽象方法

    • init:初始化
    • perform_round:执行具体操作,控制 LLM 执行的轮数
  • Capability:具体的操作实现,比如函数实现、命令执行等等,由 agent 使用

    class SSHTestCredential(Capability):
        conn: SSHConnection
        def describe(self) -> str:
            return f"give credentials to be tested by stating `{self.get_name()} username password`"
        def get_name(self):
            return "test_credential"
        def __call__(self, command: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
            cmd_parts = command.split(" ")
            assert (cmd_parts[0] == "test_credential")
            if len(cmd_parts) != 3:
                return "didn't provide username/password", False
            # now test the credentials. The second return parameter signifies if
            # the action was able to become the root user
            return "To be done", True
    Code Snippet 1: 示例:SSH连接


推荐从自定义 Agent 入手构建攻击用例

template_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
template_next_cmd = Template(filename=str(template_dir / "next_cmd.txt"))
class ExPrivEscLinux(Agent):
    # You can define variables for the interaction of the agent. _This does not
    # necessarily have to be an ssh-connection as shown in this example._
    # variables are automatically added as configuration options to the command line
    # their sub-options will be taken out of the corresponding class definitions
    # which in this case would be out of `SSHConnection`
    conn: SSHConnection = None
    # variables starting with `_` are not handled by `Configurable` thus not
    # auto-configured
    _sliding_history: SlidingCliHistory = None
    # The `init` method is used to set up and organize different tasks for an object:
    def init(self):
        # It starts by calling the `init` method of its parent class
        # to make sure any necessary setup from the parent class is also performed.
        # It creates a `SlidingCliHistory` object, which helps
        # in managing and recording command history interactions.
        # This is a feature of our linux priv-esc agent and might not be needed
        # for other agents
        self._sliding_history = SlidingCliHistory(self.llm)
        # capabilities are actions that can be called by the LLM
        # This capability allows the LLM to execute commands via SSH.
        self.add_capability(SSHRunCommand(conn=self.conn), default=True)
        # This lets the LLM test credentials over an SSH connection.
        # This method counts how many tokens a text query contains by encoding the query
        # and then measuring the length of the resulting tokens.
        self._template_size = self.llm.count_tokens(template_next_cmd.source)
    # Every agent that is based on the `Agent` has to implement the
    # `perform_round` function: it outlines the specific actions or behaviors
    # the agent will carry out in each round of its operation. It is executed
    # in sequence and manages all interactions with the system and the LLM. If
    # the method returns `True`, the agent's execution is halted. Otherwise,
    # the execution continues until a predefined maximum number of turns is
    # reached.
    def perform_round(self, turn: int) -> bool:
        got_root: bool = False
        with self._log.console.status("[bold green]Asking LLM for a new command..."):
            # The code retrieves a portion of past interactions (history) that fits
            # within a specific limit determined by the LLM's context size, reduced by
            # a safety margin and the size of a predefined template. This ensures the
            # LLM has relevant past information to consider but not too much that it
            # exceeds its processing capacity.
            history = self._sliding_history.get_history(self.llm.context_size - llm_util.SAFETY_MARGIN - self._template_size)
            # It then sends a request to the LLM, providing it with this history, certain
            # capabilities (like additional functions it can perform), and the connection
            # information. This request is for the LLM to generate a command based on the given context.
            answer = self.llm.get_response(template_next_cmd, capabilities=self.get_capability_block(), history=history, conn=self.conn)
            # the LLM's response can be noisy, try to extract the exact command
            # from its answer
            cmd = llm_util.cmd_output_fixer(answer.result)
        with self._log.console.status("[bold green]Executing that command..."):
            self._log.console.print(Panel(answer.result, title="[bold cyan]Got command from LLM:"))
            # execute the capability identified by the LLM
            result, got_root = self.get_capability(cmd.split(" ", 1)[0])(cmd)
        # The command and its result are logged in a database
        self._log.log_db.add_log_query(self._log.run_id, turn, cmd, result, answer)
        # The command and its result are also added to a sliding history of
        # commands (`self._sliding_history.add_command`) to maintain a record
        # of past interactions.
        self._sliding_history.add_command(cmd, result)
        self._log.console.print(Panel(result, title=f"[bold cyan]{cmd}"))
        # if we got root, we can stop the loop
        return got_root
 # For seamless integration into the command line interface, create a new UseCase
 # based upon the AutonomoousAgentUseCase and mark it with @use_case
@use_case("Showcase Minimal Linux Priv-Escalation")
class MinimalLinuxPrivescUseCase(AutonomousAgentUseCase[MinimalLinuxPrivesc]):


我们的原型使用了相当静态和手动编写的提示。使用 LLM 来生成和优化提示本身(类似于 AutoGPT)可能会提高其有效性。不过,考虑到我们的敏感用例,这些自动生成的提示应该受到人工的密切监控。

另一个研究途径是寻找更好的问题。基于对渗透测试人员工作方式的实证研究, 进一步研究他们在工作中会问自己哪些问题,可以得到更好的提示 ,并更好地理解这个紧密联系的行业。

Linux 提权技巧总结
