NVD Desc

Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) Race Condition vulnerability during JSP compilation in Apache Tomcat permits an RCE on case insensitive file systems when the default servlet is enabled for write (non-default configuration). This issue affects Apache Tomcat: from 11.0.0-M1 through 11.0.1, from 10.1.0-M1 through 10.1.33, from 9.0.0.M1 through 9.0.97. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 11.0.2, 10.1.34 or 9.0.98, which fixes the issue.

Tomcat RCE 漏洞,评分 9.8


  • 9.0.0.M1 ≤ Apache Tomcat < 9.0.98
  • 10.1.0-M1 ≤ Apache Tomcat < 10.1.34
  • 11.0.0-M1 ≤ Apache Tomcat < 11.0.2


  1. Tomcat 配置中的 readonly 参数为 false(可写)
  2. 允许使用 PUT 方法(可上传文件)
  3. 系统为 Windows(大小写不敏感)

这个洞说是任意命令执行,但是怎么感觉不太对劲。。。如果我没理解错,漏洞本质上是利用 Windows 的大小写不敏感特性进行文件覆盖,比如上传 TEST.jsp 会覆盖相同路径下的 test.jsp,而在 Linux 上会视为两个文件

要说是文件覆盖漏洞倒能理解,但说是 RCE,我既然能上传 jsp 了,覆不覆盖有啥区别呢🤔 可能特定场景下可以绕过一些检测规则?