writeObject 方法对特定 Java 对象进行序列化,并且递归序列化它引用的其他对象,构成 完整的序列化数据流。在流中,对其他对象的第一次引用会使其序列化或外部化 (externalized),并分配一个句柄(handle),后续对该对象的引用都会编码成该句柄, 以此压缩流的大小
对于 arrays, enum constants, objects of type Class, ObjectStreamClass, String 这 些类型的对象需要进行特殊处理,其他对象则需要实现 Serializable 或 Externalizable 接口
原始数据类型通过 DataOutput 接口的方法写出到流中,单字节和字节数组则通过 OutputStream 的方法写出。除非作为对象的可序列化属性,否则将原始数据写到流的 block-data 记录中,每个记录前面会表明该记录的字节长度
使用 readObject 方法写入数据流,还原成完整的 Java 对象(包括引用对象)。
原始数据类型通过 DataInput 接口的方法读取,单字节和字节数组则通过 InputStream 的 方法读取。block-data 记录中的原始数据也需要读取
ObjectStreamClass 用于存储序列化数据流中的类的信息,包括全限定类名和 UID
以下数据在流中有特殊的表示方式:null objects, new objects, 类,数组,字符串,以 及对已存在的对象的引用
每个写入到流中的对象都会分配一个 handle 用来引用该对象,handel 从 0x7E0000
An ObjectStreamClass object for a Class that is not a dynamic proxy class is represented by the following:
- The Stream Unique Identifier (SUID) of compatible classes.
- A set of flags indicating various properties of the class, such as whether the class defines a writeObject method, and whether the class is serializable, externalizable, or an enum type
- The number of serializable fields
- The array of fields of the class that are serialized by the default mechanismFor arrays and object fields, the type of the field is included as a string which must be in “field descriptor” format (e.g., “Ljava/lang/Object;”) as specified in The Java Virtual Machine Specification.
- Optional block-data records or objects written by the annotateClass method
- The ObjectStreamClass of its supertype (null if the superclass is not serializable)
An ObjectStreamClass object for a dynamic proxy class is represented by the following:
- The number of interfaces that the dynamic proxy class implements
- The names of all of the interfaces implemented by the dynamic proxy class, listed in the order that they are returned by invoking the getInterfaces method on the Class object.
- Optional block-data records or objects written by the annotateProxyClass method.
- The ObjectStreamClass of its supertype, java.lang.reflect.Proxy.
java8: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/platform/serialization/spec/protocol.html java17: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/serialization/protocol.html